Get in touch

Title Of Address
34 Harley Street
London LD23 5hg

0204 445 7761
[email protected]

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Have you noticed any changes in your menstrual cycle recently?
Are you experiencing any of the following symptoms? Please indicate the severity for each symptom on a scale of 1 to 5
Selected Value: 1
Selected Value: 1
Selected Value: 1
Selected Value: 1
Selected Value: 1
Selected Value: 1
Selected Value: 1
Selected Value: 1
Selected Value: 1
Selected Value: 1
Have you noticed any changes in your mood or emotional well-being?
Selected Value: 1
Selected Value: 1
Selected Value: 1
Selected Value: 1
Are you experiencing any physical changes in your body?
Have you had any difficulties with memory or concentration recently?
Are you currently experiencing any sexual symptoms?
Have you had any significant lifestyle changes recently? (e.g., changes in diet, exercise, stress levels)
Have you discussed your symptoms with a healthcare professional?