Insertion/Removal of Interine Contraceptive Devices

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Insertion/Removal of Interine Contraceptive Devices

An interine contraceptive device (or IUD) is a device that is inserted into the uterus as a form of birth control. It usually remains effective for a certain period of time, after which it may need removing. For most patients, the insertion and removal of an IUD is a simple procedure. These t-shaped devices are one of the most effective forms of birth control but will need to be put into place and taken out by a qualified healthcare professional.

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If you are looking for an effective form of birth control without taking any regular medication, then an IUD insertion could be right for you. Fewer than one in 1 in 100 women with an IUD inserted will become pregnant each year. This is a reversible procedure with few side effects, so it is ideal if you would like to have a child at a later stage in your life.

There are several different types of IUD. The most common is a copper IUD, which consists of a stem wrapped in a copper wire and sleeves. It releases copper into the uterus, which prevents sperm from reaching the egg. It can be effective for up to ten years. The other type of IUD is a hormonal IUD, of which there are three types. These last around three years, so are ideal if you are looking for a shorter-term form of birth control.

Almost anyone is suitable for a contraceptive device, as the procedure is so straight-forward.

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The procedures can be done in a matter of minutes by your doctor. It works by inserting the device through the vagina and securing it into place. To remove it, the doctor will use ring forceps to grasp the threads in the IUD. When this happens, the arms of the IUD collapse, allowing the device to slip out through the vagina. This method is effective in the removal of an IUD in most cases. However, there are rare instances in which the device doesn’t come out this easily. In these cases, the doctor may need to perform a hysteroscopy to remove it – typically if it has attached too firmly to the uterine wall. This procedure involves widening the cervix to insert the scope, and allow a smaller, more precise pair of instruments to reach into the uterus to retrieve it.

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In cases of simple removal or insertion, you won’t need any downtime. However, if you have had a hysteroscopy to remove the IUD, you will be required to rest for a few days following the procedure. You may also want to refrain from having sex until any discomfort has subsided.

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