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A Urodynamic test is a set of procedures used to assess and establish how well the bladder, sphincter and urethra are storing and releasing urine.

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Do you find that you need to urinate frequently, or feel pain when doing so? Do you have problems emptying your bladder, or conversely feel a sudden urge to urinate, then you are likely to be a good candidate for one of our tests.

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There are several Urodynamics tests we offer:

Uroflowmetry: These measures how much urine is in the bladder and how fast it is released. The tests are used to establish muscle weakness and works whereby a patient is asked to urinate into a special devise or funnel which then creates a graph that shows the clinician changes in flow.

Postvoid residual measurement:
 This is an ultrasound scan that helps a clinician measure how much urine is left in a patients’ bladder after they urinate. If a certain amount of urine is left in the bladder, it is not emptying completely.

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Cystometric test: This test measures how much urine a patients’ bladder can hold, how it stores urine and how full the bladder is before feeling the urge to urinate. A catheter is used to empty the bladder. Then a special, smaller catheter is placed in the bladder. This catheter includes a device called a manometer. Once a patient empties their bladder, it is filled slowly with warm water. Patients are asked to describe how the bladder feels and when they feel the need to start urinating. When the urge is felt, the volume of urine and the bladder pressure is recorded. Patients may also be asked to cough, shift position, or try to exhale while holding their nose and mouth. These actions help the clinician evaluate the sphincter muscle.

Pressure flow study:
 A pressure flow study measures how much pressure a patients’ bladder needs to urinate and how quickly their urine flows at that pressure. It helps clinicians identify conditions such as anterior vaginal wall prolapse.

 A health care professional may recommend this test if nerve or muscle damage is detected. Special sensors measure the electrical activity of the muscles and nerves in and around the bladder. The sensors are placed on the patients’ skin near the urethra and rectum muscle and nerve activity is then recorded. The patterns of the nerve impulses show whether the messages sent to the patients’ bladder and/or pelvic floor muscles are coordinating correctly.

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