Author: Lancashire Gynaecologist

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What is dyspareunia


Dyspareunia – what is it and how is it treated? Dyspareunia is a term used to describe persistent or recurrent pain experienced by individuals during sexual intercourse. It can have a significant physical and emotional impact on individuals and their relationships, often leading to decreased sexual satisfaction and intimacy. This article sets out to explain...

understand what your choices are with PCOS

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

PCOS – What is it and how is it treated? PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) is a hormonal disorder that impacts the reproductive system and can cause a range of symptoms with the most common being irregular periods, excessive hair growth, acne and weight gain. For more information on this condition, the symptoms and treatment see...

Ovarian Cancer explanation

Ovarian Cancer

Ovarian Cancer Symptoms and Stages Ovarian cancer was often referred to as ‘the silent killer’ because many of the symptoms that women present can indeed be mistaken for other diseases or illnesses.  However, with greater awareness and better treatment options, the early signs of ovarian cancer can be detected and successfully treated. In this feature, we...

V Notes Hysterectomy


Transvaginal Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery vNOTES is shorthand for Transvaginal Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery. It was developed to improve surgical outcomes of a hysterectomy. Instead of accessing the woman’s reproductive organs by abdominal surgery or keyhole incisions, vNOTES permits the access is through a woman’s vagina using the most advanced technology available.  Our...

Private gynaecology in the north west of England

Gynaecology in the North West of England

A Specialist Gynaecology Service for Women in the North West This feature considers the challenges facing women seeking help for gynaecological conditions in the North West of England, and shows that there are services closer to home that can offer relief from conditions. Read more on private gynaecology in the north west of England.

Endometriosis Awareness

Endometriosis Awareness

Endometriosis Symptoms and Causes Did you know that last month (March 2023) was Endometriosis Action Month? Probably not because this condition which affects over 1.5M women in the UK has been woefully overlooked. Here at the Lancashire Gynaecologist we want to help to raise awareness about this serious and painful condition, so for more information please read...

Reasons for Vaginal tearing

Vaginal Tearing

Vaginal Tearing Vaginal tears or cuts are injuries to the vaginal tissues and are surprisingly common. They usually affect the vagina or the labia (vulva), the external genitals. This article attempts to explain what causes vaginal tears, their symptoms, how they are treated, and when you should seek help from your doctor. Read our article here

Article about what urinary incontinence

Female Urinary Incontinence

Female Urinary Incontinence Urinary incontinence, or the unintentional leakage of urine, is a very common problem among women. This article takes a deep delve into the problem, the causes and the treatment. Read more about this issue here. Read More

Fibroid Degeneration

Fibroids and Fibroid Degeneration

Fibroids and Fibroid Degeneration Fibroids are a common condition that affects many women during their reproductive years when oestrogen levels are at their highest. Many women have no symptoms, but depending on the number, position, and size of the fibroid(s), they can for some, become serious and painful. This article looks in detail at fibroids,...