Perifit Care+


Perifit Care+

0 out of 5
Category: Treatments

Perifit Care+ is a revolutionary solution for a perfect Kegel workout. Part app, part exerciser, Perifit Care+ gives your Kegel exercises a modern upgrade using exciting gamified technology.

Developed with top pelvic floor experts for people at every stage of life, fun video games work together with six unique Kegel exercise programs to help you achieve your goals. Visualise your contractions in action, challenge yourself to level up, and stay motivated with an interactive app to track and monitor your progress.

With Perifit Care+, experience the physical comfort and emotional wellness you deserve.

Take back your body and life with Kegel exercises and strength training that works!

– Developed with top pelvic floor specialists
– Innovative patented solution
– Sleek 100% waterproof design
– Recommended by many health professionals worldwide


Perifit Care+ is a revolutionary solution for a perfect Kegel workout. Part app, part exerciser, Perifit Care+ gives your Kegel exercises a modern upgrade using exciting gamified technology.

Developed with top pelvic floor experts for people at every stage of life, fun video games work together with six unique Kegel exercise programs to help you achieve your goals. Visualise your contractions in action, challenge yourself to level up, and stay motivated with an interactive app to track and monitor your progress.

With Perifit Care+, experience the physical comfort and emotional wellness you deserve.

Take back your body and life with Kegel exercises and strength training that works!

– Developed with top pelvic floor specialists
– Innovative patented solution
– Sleek 100% waterproof design
– Recommended by many health professionals worldwide

Additional information

Weight 0.180 kg
Dimensions 17 × 11 × 5 cm


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